Thursday, November 8, 2012


My untroubled waterhole
of show and tell
portraits of creation
manic fixations, obsessions
Formations of my hands.

Work by day
craft by night
A young mother
homemaker, crafter, sewer, stitcher
doer of frilly things
Timeful things, busy things
They don't sum up in
value numbers
cents and graphs
but in value feelings and heart shelves.

Anthologies of past and time
objects made when the children are there
touching my hair
climbing my legs
pulling on both socks.

Hangings on the mantle at Christmastime
bits to drape the beds
dressings for bodies and feet

They are the ornaments
welcoming me, filling the dips
walls and voids in my house.
Feng shui painted in pockets of my life.

Meet the strings from my fingertips
strands building and stacking
the rug of my time.

Days, spans
stretches, instants
cataloged in stitches and strokes.
Actions I teach to share and share again.

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