Thursday, November 8, 2012

Recipes: Chocolate-covered Strawberries

I was in Utah for my sister-in-law's wedding and my mother-in-law had the idea to make chocolate safari animals as thank-you favors to give out at the African-themed wedding reception. Because I had trouble tempering milk chocolate for my Boy Scout chocolate experiment a couple weeks prior, we went to a candy makers supply store, Baker's Cash & Carry in Murray, Utah for some professional advice. 

There we discovered the world of candy making and supplies. It was like Willy Wonka's factory. We taste-tested chocolate wafers made for candy molds and went to town making hundreds of safari animal candies that week. 

What we learned about chocolate wafers is that unlike real chocolate, which has a cocoa butter base, the wafers for candy molds have a vegetable oil base so they don't require tempering and won't have cocoa butter streaks when they set. Winco carries candy wafers in the bulk section in all sorts of colors for melting if you ever want to play with it. I had no idea what they were before. 

Anyway, I brought home some of the extra wafers and was excited we had them on hand so I could use them again for some dipping. The chocolate melts so quickly in the microwave and sets super fast with a short chill. I didn't even have to put these in the fridge to set; I just set the plate by the open window and the cool night air was perfect for hardening the chocolate.

Looks like I'll be eating a lot more chocolate in my future. This stuff is far too easy to work with.

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